How to Declutter your Home? – 5 Simple Ways


Clutter at home is an inevitable side effect of a well-led life. From beer bottles from last night’s party to clothes that don’t fit anymore or have lost their color/looks and devices that merely collect dust, among other stuff – decluttering can be a breath of fresh air for your home and family.

Deciding to declutter your home can feel like a huge step in and of itself, but getting started is a much more significant obstacle. Particularly if you have a big decluttering job ahead of you due to negligence or complacence, knowing where to begin the process can be overwhelming and inspiring to begin the decluttering – which is why coming up with a decluttering game plan is so essential.

Another trick to kickstart your decluttering is to start with what you feel is the easiest room first. For example, if you know you need to do an overhaul of your entire wardrobe, don’t tackle your bedroom and closet first. If you begin with a simpler decluttering job – cleaning out and reorganizing your spice rack can empower and motivate you to

tackle bigger decluttering projects. Just as in life is as in decluttering. Simple and easy achievements get you going and charged up for bigger tasks and bigger successes.

We provide you with a guide to follow and learn how to declutter your home as quickly and efficiently as possible:

  • Make a list: Before you begin with the process, make sure to list the whats and wheres to help you sail smoothly through the process. Write down, in short, which areas you wish to clear, what you wish to throw away or rearrange, and how you wish the outcome to look. Once done, arrange them following your priorities. For instance, you may place a room you wish to change the look of entirely first on the list or the section of your room with the most clutter amassed on another list or likewise.
  • Set your timings: Although essential and preferred to get done in one sitting, decluttering can be tiring and time-consuming depending on the profession you are into or the kind of life you lead. The ways of carrying the process out might differ. With that being said, it might as well be a result of a long-overdue decluttering session that one feels agitated at getting through the workload all at once. Whatever the case on your part, setting up a timing before starting could be a game-changer. Schedule a time that you wish to indulge in the process with breaks in between or even a schedule spread out over a week or likewise time period within which you wish to achieve your decluttering goal. Spend a day with a tight schedule with meal breaks or so. Or devote half an hour every day out of a week if you have a busy work schedule. Bottom line: stay focused on the process, have a deadline in mind, and strictly abide by it.
  • Dress accordingly: This might seem like a silly step, but it can be the key to seeing this decluttering process through to the end. Grab yourself whatever you are comfortable in, albeit you don’t mind getting stains or dust on, clothes that are easy to move around in yet not ones you might regret using. While a simple step, improper clothing usually gets in the way of the process leading to the failure or delay of what the intended plan initially was. The point is to have no distractions, so be ready to dive in and stay in the game from the start.
  • Grab your supplies: This part is up to you, which is easier to work with. Trash bags, boxes, bins. Pick your potion and make sure you have plenty of it. Lack of supplies often leads to distractions such as those of stepping out of the home to get them and, in the process, losing out on precious time and motivation. One might grow complacent out of the delay and focus shift and ruin the decluttering process. You need to have proper and plenty of whatever you wish to aid you in the process. To get rid of the clutter from your home and your life.
  • Split up the waste: With the process done and dusted. You would be left with various sizes, shapes, and kinds of clutter. It’s important not to throw or stuff away all of them, which would result in cluttering all over again or improper waste management. Use designated cans/buckets or whatever supplies you have with you. Label them as waste, donate, recycle and toss your clutter into them accordingly.


Before you dive in, figure out what your decluttering goal is. What do you wish to gain out of the process? Your objective. Do you merely want to get rid of visible superficial mess, or do you want to create entirely new changed household organizational systems to use going forward? Knowing your end goal can help you prioritize tasks and determine your next steps.

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