The different types of farming equipment

When you think of farming equipment, it’s natural to think of tractors and harvesters. After all, these are two of the most iconic pieces of agricultural equipment! But there’s much more to farming than just tractors and harvesters. In fact, there are many different types of farming equipment, with varying degrees of functionality. If you are new to the world of farming or you have a limited knowledge about this topic, it can be confusing trying to understand all the different types of farming equipment available. This article is here to help you break through that confusion and become an expert on all things related to equipment used on farms.
A tractor is a large, powerful machine that is mainly used to pull other equipment such as a plough or trailer. It is designed to be operated by a single person, and most tractors are fitted with a cabin, enabling the operator to sit comfortably and safely away from the elements. Tractors can be powered by a wide variety of fuels, including diesel, gasoline, and even natural gas.
Tractors are used in many different applications in agriculture, including ploughing, cultivating, seeding, and harvesting. The average tractor has a towing capacity of 8 tonnes, but this can vary depending on the make and model of the tractor. There are several different types of tractors, including standard tractors, narrow-row tractors, wide-row tractors, and swathers. Tractors are often used in combination with other pieces of farming equipment, such as a cultivator, to plough and cultivate soil, and a harvester to harvest crops.
Harvesting Equipment
Cutting equipment is used to remove vegetation from fields, and harvesting equipment is used to remove crops from fields. For example harvesting corn and wheat is usually performed by a combine, this removing the crop, threshing the crop, and separating the grain from the straw.
There are three main types of harvesting equipment that you’ll commonly find on a farm, each of which is used for a different crop:
– Forages harvesting equipment (for harvesting hay, silage, and other fodder crops): Forages harvesting equipment is generally a swather. Forages harvesting equipment is designed to harvest crops that have already been cut, so it is not used for field harvesting.
– Grain harvesting equipment (for harvesting cereals, legumes, oil crops, and pulses): Grain harvesting equipment is generally a combine.
– Vegetable harvesting equipment (for harvesting root crops, brassicas, and other vegetables):
Mowing Equipment
Mowing equipment is used to cut grass and other vegetation. There are many different types of mowing equipment, including a flail, a sickle bar mower, a reel mower, and a rotary mower. Each of these types of mowing equipment has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Mowing equipment is used for a wide variety of purposes, such as maintaining pasture and mowing roadsides. Mowing equipment that is used for harvesting crops is often referred to as swathing. Swathing is used to cut grass and other vegetation at ground level, and it is commonly used to harvest small grains.
A seeder is a piece of machinery that is used to plant seeds into soil. There are many different types of seeders, with each type designed to plant a different type of crop. Some seeders are mounted on tractors, while others are mounted on trucks. A seed planter is the most common type of seeder. There are many different types of seeders, including bean seeders, corn seeders, and pea seeders. Some seeders are designed to be mounted on tractors, while others are designed to be mounted on trucks. There are also attachments that can be fitted to existing seeders to make them more versatile.
Rotational Cultivation Equipment
Rotational cultivation equipment is used to turn the soil and break up hardpan. It may also be used to apply fertilizer and other substances to the soil. There are many different types of rotational cultivation equipment, including cultivators, cultivator shanks, harrows, and ridgers. Each type of rotational cultivation equipment has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Cultivators are the most common type of rotational cultivation equipment, and they have many uses. They can be used to cultivate soil, control weeds, and level the soil. There are two main types of cultivators: spring cultivators and fall cultivators.
There are many different types of combines, but the two main types are harvesting combines and threshing combines. Harvesting combines are used to harvest crops, such as wheat, barley, and oats. Threshing combines are used to harvest crops that are grown in a stalky manner (e.g., corn and beans). Plus there are three main types of harvesting combines: straight-cut harvesting combines, swathers, and swath harvesting combines.
With so many different types of farming equipment available and with so many suppliers in each area, it can be difficult to choose the right one. Getting the right advice from a trusted source like will enable you to make more informed decisions and operate your farming business more efficiently.